Unweave, unwind, unravel, and piece together.

Well, it’s been a while, but here we go.

Let’s begin with my trip to Arequipa. My visit to the White City went way too quickly. There was much to do, many people to see, and little time in which to accomplish it all. Here is some of what stuck out!

I had a wonderful time with Fr. Juan Carlos, his wife María, and his sons who put me up for the week that I was with them. Through them I was able to visit the schools, children’s homes, and activities like the small groups, and they were very gracious to accommodate me in the various tasks that I had hoped to accomplish. May the Lord bless them for their giving hearts.

The diocesan schools, Colegio San Lucas, are much as I left them, with the exception of a budding construction project. With the new classrooms built, they will be able to move the primary school students to permanent classrooms and move the secondary school students to the same facilities as the primary school. Despite frustrations with delays, everyone is confident that the new structure will serve the needs of the school and community even better!

The children’s homes, San José (for younger children) and Sagrada Familia (for adolescents), continue as well as ever. The children are a year older, and it feels odd not to have been there to experience it with them, but it was a joy to pass time with them again.

It was wonderful to spend time with Ron and Vicki Robertson, missionaries from the United States who are working with the Anglican seminary in Arequipa and with the children’s homes, discussing the opportunities and difficulties extant in ministry in Perú right now, and with the many seminarians who are preparing for future ministry in the church, either as lay leaders or as ordained clergy.

There were difficulties during my visit to Arequipa. It was painful to see that many of the people that I had gotten to know last year while I was down here, some of them very dear friends, have drifted away from the church and from the Lord. In addition, I noted among all of the leaders of the church with whom I spoke a deep strain, each for different reasons, that was dominantly absent a year ago. Still, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is faithful to his church, and his Son continues as King of his People and Shepherd of his Flock, and my prayer is that through these difficulties that he would be at work strengthening, purifying, and increasing his Church in Arequipa for his praise and glory.

Well, there was much to tell, and I fear I have not done the week justice, but there was much to tell and little space. Brothers, sisters, and friends, please be in prayer for the church of Perú, and particularly for the those in Arequipa, that our God would be faithful to his promise and that he would raise up laborers for the harvest, for the fields are white with grain! Thank you.
